Prema znanstvenicima mjere koje su dosada zemlje zacrtale neće dovesti do željenog cilja - ograničavanja porasta globalne temperature za ne više od dva stupnja Celzija do 2100. u odnosu na prosječnu temperaturu na planetu u predindustrijsko doba.
According_to scientists the_measures that so_far countries have_drawn will_not lead to the_desired goal - limiting the_increase_in global temperature for not more than two degrees Celsius by 2100 in comparison to the_average temperature on the_planet in the_preindustrial age.
According to scientists, the measures that have been taken so far by certain countries will not lead to the desired goal - limiting the increase in global temperature for no more than two degrees Celsius by 2100, when compared to the average temperature on the planet in the preindustrial age.