Usp. Raffaelli i Kerovec (2008, 153): „Upravo je to temeljni razlog zbog kojega mnogi leksemi koji su na različite načine povezani s konceptom 'svjetlosti' u svojim semantičkim strukturama imaju i metaforička značenja koja su povezana s 'umom', 'znanjem' ili 'razumijevanjem', 'shvaćanjem' i spoznajom. Tako se primjerice bistro dijete odnosi na 'pametno dijete', rasvijetliti problem na 'učiniti problem razumljivim', jasno mi je znači da 'shvaćamo' i mnogi drugi. Ovi su svi primjeri realizacijama konceptualnih metafora ZNATI JE VIDJETI/IDEJE SU SVJETLO te upućuju na metaforičke pomake unutar semantičkih struktura, odnosno na metaforička značenja odabranih leksema bistar, rasvijetliti i jasan. Njihovo je prototipno značenje vezano uz domenu svjetlosti i odnosi se na jedan aspekt vidljivosti, prozirnosti koji je uvjetovan svjetlošću.“ [U izvorniku: „The semantic structures of many lexemes which are in some way connected with the concept of ‘light’ contain metaphorical meanings connected with ‘the mind,’ ‘knowledge’ or ‘understanding,’ ‘comprehension’ and ‘cognition.’ For example, the Croatian expression bistro dijete lit. ‘a clear child’ refers to ‘an intelligent child,’ rasvijetliti problem lit. ‘to light up an issue’ means to ‘clarify an issue,’ jasno mi je lit. ‘it is clear to me’ means that we understand something etc. All these examples are realizations of the conceptual metaphors KNOWING IS SEEING/IDEAS ARE LIGHT and point to metaphorical shifts within semantic structures – they show the metaphorical meanings of the selected lexemes bistar, rasvijetliti and jasan. Their prototypical meaning is connected with the domain of light and refers to one aspect of visibility and transparency which is determined by light.“]
OTKRIĆE novih, odlično očuvanih prapovijesnih fosila bacilo je novo svjetlo na proučavanje razvoja psa i vuka.
The discovery of new, excelently preserved prehistoric fossils shed new light on the study development dog and wolf.
The discovery of new, well-preserved prehistoric fossils shed new light on the study of the development of dogs and wolves.
Za njega je Goethe rekao da je najblistaviji um svojeg vremena.
Goethe said he was the most brilliant mind of his time.
Goethe said he was the most brilliant mind of his time.
sjajni um
brilliant mind
brilliant mind
Pameti naše očima nova svitlošć tvoje zrake prosinu.
To the eyes of our mind new ray of light from you is shining.
To the eyes of our mind new ray of light from you is shining.
Dijakronija, 16. st.
Prosvitli pameti naše!
Enlighten our minds!
Enlighten our minds!
Dijakronija, 16. st.
Križ duhovno jest spasenje, jest pameti prosvitļenje.
Cross is spiritual salvation, it is enlightment of our minds.
Cross is spiritual salvation, it is enlightment of our minds.
Dijakronija, 16. st.