naš um različito promatra te dvije stvari
our mind sees differently those two things
our mind sees those two things differently
njegov je pogled razum, njegov vid je um
his glance is reason, his sight is mind
his glance is reason, his sight is a mind
mišljenja se razlikuju, ali često je to zbog toga što ljudi na istu situaciju gledaju s dvije različite točke gledišta.
opinions differ, but it is often only because people are watching the same situation from two different points of view.
opinions differ, but this is often only because people look the same situation from two different points of view.
Ja na to gledam iz sasvim drukčije perspektive.
I am looking on this from an entirely different perspective
I look at it from a completely different perspective.
Tek sad jasno vidim što si mi pokušavala objasniti.
It is only now that I can clearly see what you have been trying to explain to me
Only now can I see clearly what you have been trying to explain to me.
Razmotrimo sada kako su drugi pristupali tom problemu.
Let us now look at how other approached to this problem.
Let us now see how others approached this problem.
I vidi Isus misli ńih.
And Jesus saw their thoughts.
And Jesus saw their thoughts.
Da budući očišćeni oči naše pameti, mozimo razabrati one stvari ke tebi ugodne jesu.
And when eyes of our mind are cleaned, we can see those things that are pleasing you
And when eyes of our mind are cleaned, we can see those things that are pleasing you
Kad mu otvoriše oči uma.
ono što vidite rezultat je onoga što ste naučili vidjeti
What you see is the result of what you have learned to see.