Likovi u filmu nesposobni su kanalizirati emocije koje postoje negdje duboko u njima
The characters in the film are unable to channel the emotions that exist deep within them.
kanalizirati emocije
Tučnjave koje su nastale zbog izljeva emocija igrača sastavni su dio igre te bi to trebale i ostati.
Fights that arise from players' emotional outpours are an integral part of the game and should remain so.
izljev emocija
Uplašila me bujica emocija koju osjećam prema tom čovjeku, jo me više uplašio izljev emocija s njegove strane.
I was frightened by the flood of emotions I feel for that man, but I was even more scared by his outpour of emotions.
bujica emocija; izljev emocija