Name Gloss:

LJUBAV JE PUTOVANJE primjer je kaskade metafora u razumijevanju koje sudjeluju sve metafore navedene dolje u "povezanim metaforama" te kulturni modeli i veze među semantičkim ulogama.
Usp. Oana David, George Lakoff, Elise Stickles 2016. Cascades in metaphor and grammar: A case study of metaphors in the gun debate. Constructions and Frames 8(2), 2016:
"There are also cultural models involved, both in the source domain (what nautical travel is like) and in the
target domain (what romantic love relationships are like). Finally, there are bindings across the
semantic roles populating the source and target domains. For instance, we know that the lovers
are simultaneously the travelers as the people encountering difficulties to forward motion, and as
the people who initially were aiming for a shared destination. These metaphors and cultural
models (frames) are related to each other in predictable ways, with much of the inferences about
the state of this relationship come from the highest levels of the primary metaphors involved. A
cascade approach to metaphor analysis pre-bundles these primary and general metaphors in a
hierarchically related way, such that the next time a specific linguistic expression is analyzed,
much of the same inferences and mappings can be re-used."



Cultural scope:
Metaphor Level:
Source Frame:
Target Frame:
Experiential basis:
Closest WordNet frame:
Closest English Metaphor:
in development
No data!
No data!
No data!
Type of Relation:
makes use of
Description of Relation:


Type of Relation:
is related to
Description of Relation:


Type of Relation:
is related to
Description of Relation:


Type of Relation:
is related to
Description of Relation:


Related Metaphor:
Type of Relation:
is both a source and target subcase of
Description of Relation:


No data!
Example text:

Svađanje i ‘sporazum’ dva su znaka da je sve bliži kraj veze

Example Gloss:

Arguing and 'agreement' two are signs that is everything coming closer to end of relationship

Example English Translation:

Arguing and an 'agreement' are the two signs that relationship is about to end

Example Provenance:
Example Annotation:


Example Comments:


Example text:

Naša veza je imala uspone i padove, ali definitvno je bio kraj kada sam shvatila da mi je postao više kao najbolji prijatelj nego kao dečko.

Example Gloss:


Example English Translation:

Our relationship had its ups and downs, but it was definitely over when I realized he had become more like a best friend than a boyfriend.

Example Provenance:
Example Annotation:

veza ima uspone i padove

Example Comments:


Example text:

svađanje može biti autocesta na kojoj naša veza juri prema propasti.

Example Gloss:


Example English Translation:

Arguing can be a highway on which our relationship speeds towards ruin.

Example Provenance:
Example Annotation:

veza juri prema čemu; autocesta

Example Comments:


Example text:

Nakon toga je naša veza krenula u još pozitivnijem smjeru nego do tada.

Example Gloss:


Example English Translation:

After that, our relationship started heading in an even more positive direction than before.

Example Provenance:
Example Annotation:

veza krene u smjeru

Example Comments:
