A put od mudrosti ne poznaše.
And they did not recognize the path of wisdom.
And they did not recognize the path of wisdom.
A puta od nauka ne umiše ni razumiše staze ńegove.
They did not know the path of doctrine and did not understand its pathways.
They did not know the path of doctrine and did not understand its pathways.
I dalje kročim utrtom stazom u lingvistici.
I am still walking the beaten path in linguistics.
I am still walking the beaten path in linguistics.
Slijedim put Isusa Krista.
I follow the path of Jesus Christ.
I follow the path of Jesus Christ.
Dobro, priča nije loša, pomalo Carverovska, znaš ono: dogodi se nešto značajno u ljudskom odnosu poslije čega stvari nisu iste, i nikada više neće biti iste, ali ljudi nastavljaju uhodanim putem , ignoriraju činjenice, prave se da ništa nisu vidjeli.
Alright, the story isn't bad, somewhat Carveresque, you know: something significant happens in a human relationship after which things aren't the same, and will never be the same again, but people continue on their well-trodden path, ignoring the facts, pretending they didn't see anything.
nastaviti uhodanim putem
Valjda me je ponio svijet ' ' rogonja ' ' (simpatično mi ih je tako zvati), pa sam počesto znao zalutati okolnim puteljcima, umjesto da slijedim put kojega je za mene odredio Neizrecivi.
I suppose I got carried away by the world of the 'cuckold' (I find it amusing to call them that), so I often wandered down side paths instead of following the path that the Ineffable had set for me.
slijediti put