Ovnovima povremeno na pamet padnu ideje koje moraju provesti odmah i sada dok Bik voli u potpunosti probaviti ideju te postupiti oprezno i promišljeno.
Rams occasionally on mind fall ideas that must be implemented right away and now while Taurus loves to fully digest the idea and act cautiously and judiciously.
Aries occasionally get ideas which must be implemented right away, while Taurus love to fully digest an idea and act cautiously and judiciously.
Jedno od pitanja na koje želim dobiti odgovor prije smrti je koji je dio ljudske imbecilnosti uspio probaviti ideju o tome da je mladost bez alkohola potraćena mladost.
One of the questions I want to answer before I die is: which part of the human imbecility succeeded in digesting the idea that the youth without alcohols is a wasted youth.
One of the questions I want to answer before I die is: which part of the human imbecility succeeded in digesting the idea that the youth without alcohols is a wasted youth.
Slovenci nisu mogli probaviti ideju da svoj novac daju za pomoć zemlji koja ima daleko veće mirovine.
Slovenians could not digest idea to give their money to help the country with much higher pensions.
Slovenians could not digest idea to give their money to help the country with much higher pensions.