Samo ljudi posjeduju um.
Only people possess mind.
Only people possess mind.
Poludio sam, Gospode... um... um... sam izgubio!
I became crazy, Lord, my mind, I have lost my mind!
I became crazy, Lord, my mind, I have lost my mind!
Ovaj snažni um na polju tehnike posjedovao je zadivljujuću urođenu skromnost u načinu života.
This strong mind in the technical area was in the possession of the remarkable modesty in the way of life.
This strong mind in the technical area was in the possession of the remarkable modesty in the way of life.
S čim će se sve njen krhki um susresti u životu.
What kinds of stuff is her brittle mind going to face during her life.
What kinds of stuff is her brittle mind going to face during her life.
Raffaeli (2009, 116) navodi da je u primjeru 'oštar um' riječ o metonimijski motiviranoj metafori. Naime, temeljni je mehanizam proširenja semantičke strukture leksema oštar metonimija OBILJEŽJE ZA KATEGORIJU, pri čemu je ključno obilježje oštroga predmeta „da može dijeliti ili razdvajati cjelinu na više dijelova, pri čemu su oni međusobno precizno odvojeni“.
Pokušavao je misliti na taj paradoks i izoštriti um dovoljno da ga shvati.
He was thinking about this paradox and sharpen his mind enough to comprehend it.
He was thinking about this paradox and sharpen his mind enough to comprehend it.
Neka zloća ne privrne ńegov razum.
Let the evilness upturn his reason.
Let the evilness upturn his reason.
Ako razum razori se.
If his mind falls appart.
If his mind falls appart.
Kad ju rukom ti ustiskaš, razum zgubiš, pamet nimaš.
When you touch her with your hand, you loose your reason; you no longer have your mind.
When you touch her with your hand, you loose your reason; you no longer have your mind.